Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Rant for the Day

First, let me say that I love and adore my husband. He is an amazing man and father, but sometimes I want to throw the xbox controller at him! I recently read a statistic that 15 percent of divorces are caused by the XBOX! aaaahhhh! I wonder if he would know it was me if it mysteriously broke?? Just a thought! As I write this post, my dear husband is playing a game.....

just saying....

Saturday, July 23, 2011

My First TOP 10

I will now begin a new theme for myself. I will share a different TOP 10 every weekend!!! SO EXCITING
here goes:

Top 10 Moments as a MOM
1. Finding out I was going to be a mom

2. Holding my son for the first time

3. The little prince's first smile

4. Seeing him for the first time after being away 
and in the hospital for a week when he was only a week old

5. His first laugh

6. The first time he said "mama"

7. When he grabbed his dad's xbox controller for the first time

8.  The first time I woke up to him smiling at me over the bars of his crib

9. The first time he gave me a kiss

10. Every single time he gets excited as I walk into his room

Update on Supermomdom

*update to a previous post*

I have just been reflecting on how lucky I have been to be a stay at home mom, even if only for a year. My husband and I have recently made the decision for me to go back to work. It's quite bittersweet, but I know that it is for the best! Maybe it will enable me to become a better mother and wife.

My Journey to SuperMomDom

When my little prince was just a couple months old, I had a particular day where i didn't think I was ever going to get it all done. I had laundry that needed to be finished, a room that needed to be cleaned, a husband who needed attention, and a baby who just wanted mommy. I said to my husband, I'm supposed to be good at this, I'm a mom, shouldn't it come naturally. I said I'm the multi-tasker, the one who thrives on stress, and now it just makes me crazy. I told him that I am supposed to be supermom. He very sweetly told me that I wasn't and we moved on. I still had a nagging feeling that I wasn't doing enough. This feeling stuck with me, and I never have really moved on from feeling like I should be supermom.

My amazing husband brought me Mother's Day surprises home from work friday, and with it was something I will forever cherish. This card means the world to me, and I don't think I will ever forget it, and I will forever cherish it! It was just what I needed in my beautifully imperfect life!

It said: 

For My Wife
conquering a heaping pile of laundry...
whipping up a meal in the blink of an eye...
being in two or more places at once (well, almost)...
remembering all the important stuff in our lives...
and still finding the time for a little one-on-one.. 
she's... SUPERMOM

I'm so lucky to be married to a real life superhero like you

this was just amazing!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

More Adventures in DIY Hair

SO.... I'm a FREAKIN GENIUS... or so I like to tell myself. One of my latest endeavors could be considered not of this category!
I'm the kind of girl who had a standing appointment with a particular hair stylist ever so many weeks. SHE is a genius. She always knows what to do with my hair, and it always looks so amazing.
Lately, I have been trying to turn into a frugal fashionista!
This means... I decided to cut my own hair! Lets just say, I was a bit nervous. For the sake of my family and my dear husband's sanity, I did it anyway

I googled how to cut my own hair... I found some pretty great videos and advice. I proceeded with caution. With a little help from my Mother-in-Law with getting it even, I managed to give myself an angled bob. I am happy with the style and cut, but I learned why my hair stylist uses a razor when trimming my ends. It lays much better when the ends are razored.

What I learned from this: 1. I can do anything with the help of google 2. I have much more patience for hair stylists now.
Will I do it again: HECK YES!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011


June is always so crazy for me. It was the start of summer for so many years, but as I've grown older, it has begun to entail so much more. Working at the bookstore, it was time to rearrange students' schedules and work up promotions for summertime travelers. Now, it entails so much more.
For some reason, as if June wasn't crazy enough, it tends to be when all the chaos piles in. We run around like crazy trying to accomplish things. Trips to Cherokee and to the lake are the norm, but this year it has been a bit different. 
June starts off with MY BIRTHDAY! Yay- I turned 27! Being the first weekend, it also includes our tradition of visiting Cherokee, NC on the first weekend. This was fun, the Little Prince enjoyed getting feathers, pictures with indians, and playing in the fountain. 
On to the next, its the Royal Couple's ANNIVERSARY! What a fun weekend, we grilled out, spent time together, and laughed so much. The interesting part was eating our wedding cake, as is tradition on a first anniversary! We ended up pretending to eat it, just for the pictures!
Then, came Father's Day. Just a weekend of relaxing, and eating buffalo chicken sandwiches, with my mother-in-law's special recipe! What a good weekend, hanging out with the family and relaxing. What could be better.
Our wonderful month of June ended with a fabulous visit with family from Canada. They only get to visit every few years, so it was a nice treat. I finally got to meet the Canada family, somehow I have always missed them. The Little Prince enjoyed playing with his cousins, and It was a wonderful visit.
To sum it all up, June was a crazy month, but we made amazing memories. Now, I can get to blogging regularly. June is so crazy 

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