Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Get Anything You Want & A Giveaway!

As I have stated in previous posts, I love to read. It was a perfect opportunity when I was hired at a local bookstore. My favorite part of the job was getting customers excited about the latest book I read. I loved working there, but life changes, and we move on. I was so excited when presented with an opportunity to review a book for my readers. I was asked to readHow to Get Anything You Want- Just Like that, by Janet Poole. Of course, upon finding out the name of the book I was intrigued!

I had my suspicions about the book, at first. “Is this going to be a get rich quick type of book?” Well, if you are having those reservations, I can put your mind at ease. This is not that type of book. Janet Poole believes that everyone is truly amazing; we just have to reach inside ourselves and bring it to the surface. Basically, the key to getting everything you want is to be happy, and believe that you deserve it. It is disheartening to know how many people do not believe they deserve to be happy.

Janet Poole walks us through the steps to becoming a fabulous being that is happy, and really does have the life we want and deserve. One of her key points is finding out what this life really is. We have to reach into ourselves and decide what we want, not what society thinks we should want. This is a major issue for many people. I realize now that the life I thought I wanted is not the one I have envisioned. Oddly enough, I am closer than I thought to the life that I actually want. We all need work, but the author will help you realize the true steps of getting there.

An interesting aspect of this book is that Janet Poole touches on Quantum Physics, and how it relates to our unique beings. I am not good at science, and never have been. However, I can understand the way she explains it. I also enjoyed the motivational quotes scattered throughout the book, they are nice pick me ups. I will be putting them on post-it notes and scattering them throughout my house.

Here is one activity she shares in the book. “Try this: look in a mirror and say, ‘I am precious, special, and amazing.’ Notice if this is a challenge for you. Never mind how strange this seems- you may need to pretend you mean it at first, but say it with conviction.” (Page 19)

The most important thing she teaches us to do is to look in the mirror and see this fabulous person looking back at us. We are beautiful, we are amazing, we are smart, and most of all, and we deserve the world!

My challenge to you is to use her process not only to realize just how amazing you are, but also to take your brand to the next level. Realize that your brand deserves everything, that it is amazing, and it is uniquely you!

I will not spoil any more of the book for you, but you must read it. You will not regret it. Janet Poole will help you to realize that you truly are fabulous. In addition- the author is allowing me to choose one reader to receive a free copy of the book. How Fabulous! Just head on over to NighLon and tell me what your favorite motivational quote is. (Winner will be chosen Saturday, March 24)- I'm sorry, but at this time, I can only accept entries from

Disclaimer: This book was given to me to review. My comments are my own opinions.

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